
Sunday, June 17, 2012


And by "WE" I mean all of YOU!!!

Yesterday was the last day of our kickstarter campaign and we met our goal with about 2 hours to go!  I really honestly could never have gotten to this point without all of your donations, support and spreading the word, so you should all be celebrating alongside me this amazing success!

And with one countdown done, there's one more to go.  The countdown to SAN FERMIN!  Every day I get more and more excited, thinking of things to film so that I can share the full experience with you.  I really can't wait to get this going, and I wish I could take you all with me.  Things will be moving pretty fast now, and even as I say that I can't wait and it's taking forever to get here, I know I will wake up and suddenly find myself on the way to the airport.  

I invite you to ask me any questions you have or share comments about what's been going on, because what you think is the most important thing.  Updates will be a little shorter, but more frequent hopefully.

Muchismas gracias mis amigos!!!

And one last thing.  HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the wonderful men out there!!

And a special Happy Father's Day to my dad.  The hardest working man I know. He has the biggest heart, strongest work ethic, and never ever thinks about himself.  No matter how much work he has or how tired he is, he always does whatever he can for me and my brother, and we are the luckiest kids in the world to have him in our lives!  He taught my brother how to be a man and taught me what kind of man I should have in my life.  And for that, I am forever grateful.


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