
Friday, June 29, 2012


There are so few days left until we leave, I can start counting down hours now rather than days!  How exciting!

I don't want to reveal too much about what's going on or what we have planned, because then you won't be surprised when you see the film.

Here are a few things I can tell you.  My cast members who will be going on this unforgettable adventure with me are Alex Kingi, Solomon Brende, and Marissa Labog.  Our friend, Brandon Melendy, is working in Ibiza until the fall, so he will be joining us for a few days in Pamplona.  They are all kick-ass stunt people who do crazy things for a living, so I expect some phenomenal footage from them. :)

Another thing I can tell you is that we have some prime viewing spots to get some unbelievable footage, and I can't wait to get my camera rolling!!!

And last but not least, for now, my uber talented graphic designer has come up with an awesome film poster for us.  He's got a 3 year old and a new baby, and was still able to get this together.  I really appreciate his dedication.  MUCHAS GRACIAS WILL BASA!

I don't know if it's because I've been going back to Pamplona for a few years now, but at this point in the year, my internal clock starts to switch, and I find myself on Spain time about a week before I leave.  Yay to no jet lag!

Can't wait to finally get there!


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