
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jet Lag Before You've Even Left?

     When working with an international production, one thing you can count on is very strange hours.  Spain is about 9 hours ahead of Los Angeles, so, as we get closer to making this documentary, and things are falling into place, the less sleep we get.  
I've already lost track of how many nights I have been up in a texting frenzy with my amazing producer, Ana, after she has made her phone calls to Spain and negotiated deals, etc.  The clock will read 2:30AM, and I can hear my phone endlessly receiving emails between her and our contacts in Pamplona.  I don't know if it's because I'm so tired or because I believe that I know more Spanish than I do, but I find myself opening up these emails and trying to read en Español and only getting bits and pieces.  
     Amazingly enough, I am able to keep up and answer whatever questions Ana has for me.  I have found that translating an email message from spanish to english using Google translator is way more confusing than me just trying to figure out what it is I'm reading in spanish.  I'm not fluent, but I can definitely get by.
     I have surrendered to naps in order to get through my day.  When I feel like I have too much work to do and can't take a nap, I remind myself that I will be up until almost sunrise because we cannot do business with Spain until at least 11PM over here.  If I keep this up, at least I won't have to worry about being jet-lagged when we finally do go over there!


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