
Monday, June 25, 2012

Questions for a Matador?

     Another big part of San Fermin is the daily bullfight at the end of the day.  Every day at 5pm sharp, everyone gathers into the bullring to witness the amazing spectacle of the bullfight.  I know that this isn't for everyone, and some people are completely against it, and I totally respect those opinions, but for me personally, it has become an obsession.  I can talk about bullfighters and bullfighting stats as easily as I can talk about football, basketball or baseball.  

     Also, "european time" is not great on punctuality, which, as a New Yorker, was very very difficult for me to get used to, but bullfighting is the one thing that Spaniards will always be on time for.  Garcia Lorca even wrote a poem about it.

     I have a possible opportunity to meet with one of the top matadors right now, and do a short interview with him.  Upon finding out this news, millions of questions ran through my mind about what I could ask him, the interview could last for days!!!  So once I got over the initial shock and excitement and came back to earth, I was able to think more clearly.  

     Here is another opportunity for you guys to get involved with the documentary, as many of you wonderful Kickstarter backers already have.  If you had an opportunity to ask a matador a question, what would it be?  I would much rather get your guys' questions answered, since you are my wonderful audience, and this documentary is for all of you!  I will be going through all the questions and choosing them to ask during the interview, so please, think about what you would like to learn about bullfighting or a bullfighter and see your questions get answered when you see the doc!

Ya Falta Menos!


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