
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Home stretch! No turning back now!

     We have picked up some great momentum over the past couple of days and we just need to keep it going.  Seeing everyone's generosity and support towards this project means so much to me.  Seeing that strangers, who have found our link through our various social media pages, can find my words inspiring enough to back this project...well, it leaves me speechless.  
     I'll be honest, once I decided to move forward with this and finally get the wheels rolling, I became quite nervous about actually following through.  But over the past month, with the feedback and comments I get about this documentary, the nerves are gone, and excitement has taken over.  I am only confident about it because of all of you and knowing that you support the making of this.  
     I wish I could take you all along with me to experience this fantastic festival and stand by my side; but since I know I can't (this year at least) then I hope this documentary will get you as close to the real thing as possible.  And don't worry, one year, when I am able to bring everyone with me, your names are, for sure, first on the list!

Last day to donate is Saturday at midnight.  If you have some dollars left over from getting your father's day presents, please consider supporting our documentary.

I see the finish line and I know I will finish the race!

Ya falta menos! :)


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