
Friday, June 29, 2012


There are so few days left until we leave, I can start counting down hours now rather than days!  How exciting!

I don't want to reveal too much about what's going on or what we have planned, because then you won't be surprised when you see the film.

Here are a few things I can tell you.  My cast members who will be going on this unforgettable adventure with me are Alex Kingi, Solomon Brende, and Marissa Labog.  Our friend, Brandon Melendy, is working in Ibiza until the fall, so he will be joining us for a few days in Pamplona.  They are all kick-ass stunt people who do crazy things for a living, so I expect some phenomenal footage from them. :)

Another thing I can tell you is that we have some prime viewing spots to get some unbelievable footage, and I can't wait to get my camera rolling!!!

And last but not least, for now, my uber talented graphic designer has come up with an awesome film poster for us.  He's got a 3 year old and a new baby, and was still able to get this together.  I really appreciate his dedication.  MUCHAS GRACIAS WILL BASA!

I don't know if it's because I've been going back to Pamplona for a few years now, but at this point in the year, my internal clock starts to switch, and I find myself on Spain time about a week before I leave.  Yay to no jet lag!

Can't wait to finally get there!


Monday, June 25, 2012

Questions for a Matador?

     Another big part of San Fermin is the daily bullfight at the end of the day.  Every day at 5pm sharp, everyone gathers into the bullring to witness the amazing spectacle of the bullfight.  I know that this isn't for everyone, and some people are completely against it, and I totally respect those opinions, but for me personally, it has become an obsession.  I can talk about bullfighters and bullfighting stats as easily as I can talk about football, basketball or baseball.  

     Also, "european time" is not great on punctuality, which, as a New Yorker, was very very difficult for me to get used to, but bullfighting is the one thing that Spaniards will always be on time for.  Garcia Lorca even wrote a poem about it.

     I have a possible opportunity to meet with one of the top matadors right now, and do a short interview with him.  Upon finding out this news, millions of questions ran through my mind about what I could ask him, the interview could last for days!!!  So once I got over the initial shock and excitement and came back to earth, I was able to think more clearly.  

     Here is another opportunity for you guys to get involved with the documentary, as many of you wonderful Kickstarter backers already have.  If you had an opportunity to ask a matador a question, what would it be?  I would much rather get your guys' questions answered, since you are my wonderful audience, and this documentary is for all of you!  I will be going through all the questions and choosing them to ask during the interview, so please, think about what you would like to learn about bullfighting or a bullfighter and see your questions get answered when you see the doc!

Ya Falta Menos!


Friday, June 22, 2012

It runs in the family

     Here's a little interesting fact about me.  I am actually not the first in my family to go to San Fermin!  I know, I know, hard to believe...but it was actually my super cool uncle who had gone to San Fermin when he was younger, and he played basketball with the Peña Alegria back in the day.  He even went back years later and brought his family with him to experience the great festival for themselves.  Although my cousin was quite young when she went, she still has memories of being there and how much fun she had.  I guess it runs in the family. ;)
     Upon reaching our kickstarter goal, I received this email from him, which made everything so much realer for me, and it hit me again that I am actually able to do this!  It's a simple and short email, but it means so much more to me.  

"I'm so happy you met your goal.  It's amazing that 40 years later someone from my family would be going back to Pamplona

Good luck and success with your project"

A big "thank you" again to everyone who supports us!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

John Hemingway, Ernest's grandson

This came across my inbox along with a plethora of other San Fermin related material, as it does every year.  Most of my emails come from spanish websites with all the logistics for the upcoming year's festival, so it's always interesting to read when a U.S. website or magazine does an article on it.  Most of the time they only talk about the running of the bulls, because that's what people are interested in.  This particular article was with John Hemingway, Ernest's grandson.  I will definitely keep an eye out for him this year if he is there, and maybe see if he'd like to do an impromptu interview on the street!

I have also attached the link to the original article in case you want to check it out there.

It’s no secret we’re big fans of legendary author, beard icon and daiquiri enthusiast Ernest Hemingway here at Kempt. Just invoking his name conjures visions of rum-soaked fishing trips, stoic prose and, of course, the running of the bulls.
And as we’ve just learned from our friends at UrbanDaddy Jetset, it didn’t all stop with Ernie. They’ve caught up with Ernest Hemingway’s grandson, John—who’s actually run the gauntlet, whether or not he’s convinced Gramps did—to get an invaluable lesson on how to run with the bulls. (It’s the sort of wisdom you’re born with.) So without further ado…
John Hemingway imparts his wisdom on running with the bulls.
So how’s it work? You just show up, ready to run?
Yeah. You have to get there in the morning early. If you partied all night, you better be able to wake up and be in some sort of condition to run. Then the police tell you, in various languages, what not to do: don’t touch the bull, no alcohol, that sort of stuff.
How long does it actually take from start to finish?
Maybe two and a half minutes.
And what are the bulls like?
They’re strong animals, fast. Every day you have six bulls. They just want to get from point A to point B. They don’t really give a damn about the people.
Sounds right.
The problem comes if a bull becomes separated from the herd, at which point it immediately stakes out a territory—anything within striking distance of its horns, he goes for. And if he’s got you there, he will keep coming until he kills you.
Any tips to avoid that sort of thing?
If you get knocked down, stay down. … The bull will go to you if you move. The bull doesn’t see colors; it sees movements.
Do you wear special shoes?
I just wear Converse.
Interesting. How’re the roads?
It’s a pretty slippery cobblestone. After they clean it at night, it’s all wet in the morning. So, it’s a real mess.
We hear the whole week’s otherwise like a nonstop party. Is that right?
Basically. You meet friends, you make friends, if they don’t show up you meet someone else. People always ask, “How many hours of sleep did you get last night?” “Oh, three. That’s not bad.” [laughs]
We almost don’t need to ask, but: how did you end up doing this?
People ask me if it’s because my grandfather ran, and I don’t really know. I see no proof that he did run, but there’s no proof that he didn’t. People have said forever that he used to run—that he ran like mad.
Incredible. Everyone there, in some shape or form, must be there because of your grandfather’s writing.
He made it famous. He put it on the map, but it existed way before he went there. It was a local festival. But he made it what it is today.
Did you receive any family advice about the running of the bulls?
No. Oh, no.


Sunday, June 17, 2012


And by "WE" I mean all of YOU!!!

Yesterday was the last day of our kickstarter campaign and we met our goal with about 2 hours to go!  I really honestly could never have gotten to this point without all of your donations, support and spreading the word, so you should all be celebrating alongside me this amazing success!

And with one countdown done, there's one more to go.  The countdown to SAN FERMIN!  Every day I get more and more excited, thinking of things to film so that I can share the full experience with you.  I really can't wait to get this going, and I wish I could take you all with me.  Things will be moving pretty fast now, and even as I say that I can't wait and it's taking forever to get here, I know I will wake up and suddenly find myself on the way to the airport.  

I invite you to ask me any questions you have or share comments about what's been going on, because what you think is the most important thing.  Updates will be a little shorter, but more frequent hopefully.

Muchismas gracias mis amigos!!!

And one last thing.  HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all the wonderful men out there!!

And a special Happy Father's Day to my dad.  The hardest working man I know. He has the biggest heart, strongest work ethic, and never ever thinks about himself.  No matter how much work he has or how tired he is, he always does whatever he can for me and my brother, and we are the luckiest kids in the world to have him in our lives!  He taught my brother how to be a man and taught me what kind of man I should have in my life.  And for that, I am forever grateful.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

If Jack Bauer can do it...

No no no, don't get excited, Jack Bauer is NOT going to be running with the bulls.  If he did, he would be behind the bulls as they frantically run away from him!

This final 24 hours is like judgement day.  We are much closer to our goal and don't have far to go.  And honestly, this is how I see it.  In a 24 hour time frame, Jack Bauer can stop bombs from annihilating a major city, stop viruses from turning into a worldwide epidemic, and single-handedly save the country from international terrorists.  We are not asking any of you to do that.  All we are asking is that you continue to help us as you have been and continue to spread the word about our kickstarter campaign. 

These are the last hours to make it happen, and we couldn't have gotten this far without you, which means we also can't cross the finish line and celebrate without you.  

Are you hearing the "24" clock beeping and counting down now?  Because I sure am.

Support independent filmmaking and get us to our goal.  If you have to pretend that you're Jack Bauer, hacking into enemy satellites to track down the terrorists, then by all means, be my guest.  I won't tell anyone. ;)

Thank you for everything you have done so far, and for everything you continue to do.  Your hard work and support has not gone unnoticed!!


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Just a quick little post before I hit the hay.
We are so so close to reaching our goal, so whatever it is you guys are doing, great job! thank you! and keep doing it!
We're $2800 away and seeing new backers everyday.  We are also seeing our current backers increase their donations, so thank you again!
If you want to be precise, we're actually $2,769 away, but who's counting right? Ok ok, you got me, I am obsessively checking the site more often than I want to admit, because everything is becoming so real.  

So like you've heard me say over and over and over again like a broken record; 
Please keep this momentum going!  Send that link out to everyone you know.  Have them  send it to everyone they know.  It only takes $1 to pledge.  We have great perks, and now that we're so close, keep checking back for bonuses and updates on these perks!!  Saturday is the last day of the campaign, so get those donations in.  At midnight on June 16th, we won't turn into pumpkins or lose our glass slippers, but hopefully, we will be celebrating the success of this kickstarter campaign!

I can feel my brain starting to go off on tangents, so fighting the urge to randomly ramble, I will sign off for now.  





Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Home stretch! No turning back now!

     We have picked up some great momentum over the past couple of days and we just need to keep it going.  Seeing everyone's generosity and support towards this project means so much to me.  Seeing that strangers, who have found our link through our various social media pages, can find my words inspiring enough to back this project...well, it leaves me speechless.  
     I'll be honest, once I decided to move forward with this and finally get the wheels rolling, I became quite nervous about actually following through.  But over the past month, with the feedback and comments I get about this documentary, the nerves are gone, and excitement has taken over.  I am only confident about it because of all of you and knowing that you support the making of this.  
     I wish I could take you all along with me to experience this fantastic festival and stand by my side; but since I know I can't (this year at least) then I hope this documentary will get you as close to the real thing as possible.  And don't worry, one year, when I am able to bring everyone with me, your names are, for sure, first on the list!

Last day to donate is Saturday at midnight.  If you have some dollars left over from getting your father's day presents, please consider supporting our documentary.

I see the finish line and I know I will finish the race!

Ya falta menos! :)


Sunday, June 10, 2012


     Well, we have 5 1/2 days left to make this a reality!!!  It's a lot, but I trust that it will happen.  Like my wonderful NY Giants say, it's time to go ALL IN!  Anyone who knows me knows that I go big or go home.  Since we launched our kickstarter campaign, I have received so much positive feedback from complete strangers as well as friends and family, and that support keeps me going.  At this point, I'm making this documentary for all of you, and no longer just for me.  I believe that this is something that people want to see and care to see, and I want to make everyone proud.  
     Everyone's support and encouragement has gotten us this far, and I'm looking to all of you still to get us across that finish line!  Please continue to send our kickstarter link out and continue to get the word out on this documentary.  We are counting down the days to reach our goal and counting down the days until we step foot on Spanish soil!

Viva San Fermin!

Ya Falta Menos!


Thursday, June 7, 2012


We reached our halfway mark on our kickstarter goal today, and I'd like to give a big shout out to some wonderful and supportive friends, Jason and Faith Sweat!  They are awesome people and even better friends.  I am very lucky!

So yes, honestly, $5k left to raise in about a week?  It does sound crazy, but absolutely not impossible.  I have faith that prayers will be answered and my guardian angels will somehow guide the money to my kickstarter account.  But that's why we have all YOU wonderful people to spread the word and keep our campaign alive up until the very end!  

I met a couple of new stunt guys at the gym today, and one of them has a knack for finding four leaf clovers.  His friend also went in and out of an Irish accent (at least I think that's what it was supposed to be).  So is that a sign telling me that my campaign will be lucky?  Or is it foreshadowing that I'll end up in Ireland rather than Spain?  I'm hoping it's the former. ;)

So, let's spread the luck and keep getting the word out about the campaign and this amazing documentary!!!

One more shout out, and this goes to my baby bro who endlessly posts the link everywhere he can and spreading the word, love him so much!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jet Lag Before You've Even Left?

     When working with an international production, one thing you can count on is very strange hours.  Spain is about 9 hours ahead of Los Angeles, so, as we get closer to making this documentary, and things are falling into place, the less sleep we get.  
I've already lost track of how many nights I have been up in a texting frenzy with my amazing producer, Ana, after she has made her phone calls to Spain and negotiated deals, etc.  The clock will read 2:30AM, and I can hear my phone endlessly receiving emails between her and our contacts in Pamplona.  I don't know if it's because I'm so tired or because I believe that I know more Spanish than I do, but I find myself opening up these emails and trying to read en Español and only getting bits and pieces.  
     Amazingly enough, I am able to keep up and answer whatever questions Ana has for me.  I have found that translating an email message from spanish to english using Google translator is way more confusing than me just trying to figure out what it is I'm reading in spanish.  I'm not fluent, but I can definitely get by.
     I have surrendered to naps in order to get through my day.  When I feel like I have too much work to do and can't take a nap, I remind myself that I will be up until almost sunrise because we cannot do business with Spain until at least 11PM over here.  If I keep this up, at least I won't have to worry about being jet-lagged when we finally do go over there!


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Bienvenido! Welcome to our blog. :)  
My name is Jenny Benedicto and I am the creator and director of the upcoming documentary "Sin Igual: Unparalleled" 
By creating this site, we hope to engage our audience further through creating direct access between them and the filmmakers.

If you are on this page, then you have most likely seen our
Kickstarter page:
Facebook page:
or Twitter page:!/SinIgualDoc
Or if you found us through a search, then you were clearly looking for things San Fermin related :)

Well, I would say we're off to a great start with our shared interest in one of the greatest festivals in the world!

So, what should you expect to get out of this blog?
As of this first blog post, you can follow our process of documentary filmmaking, going from pre-production, to production, to post-production, and all the way to the red carpet premiere. 

While we are in Pamplona, we will update this regularly so that you can follow along with our experiences and adventures, and get to know our amazingly talented cast.  At the same time, you will learn about San Fermin and what the festival is all about.

We would also like to encourage that you stay involved, and write to us, give us suggestions, ask us questions, etc.  After all, this documentary is being made for you, so the more input you have on it, the better it will be.

As of now, our kickstarter campaign is halfway to our goal.  There are only 10 days left!!!  So we're counting on your support and word of mouth to get that link to as many people as possible.  The minimum pledge is $1, but we have a number of awesome perks if you are able to give a little more.  If you can't contribute monetarily, you can still help us out by telling everyone you know about our campaign.  This is a group effort, and we know that we would never be able to make this a reality without you; so already, we are giving our sincerest thanks to everyone who has supported us thus far, and any new supporters in our near future.  

Muchas gracias!!!